I have discussed in the past some of the benefits of coaching vs. teaching in a small group. What are some unique ways you can learn to be a better coach?
Use Christian Life Coach Resources
One way is to seek out and use resources designed to help Christian life coaches. There are many resources available that can be used.
Materials that I use primarily come from the company Coach22. These materials are based on a coaching model developed by Tony Stoltzfus that many find effective. There are several other Christian life coaching models that are also effective. Do your research to find out what might fit you the best.
What kind of materials exist that could help you? In my library, I have books that describe a Christian coaching model. They discuss things like:
- What a coach would do in different situations
- The kind of questions to ask
- What to do when problems arise
I also have materials that are recorded sessions the coaches have had with clients. This is unique because it demonstrates the ability to use the coaching model when you have to “think on your feet.” I also have books that contain sample questions and descriptions of the type of questions you can ask.
These are great references to help develop questions in preparation of a small group Bible study.
You Are a Christian Life Coach
You may have not have the formal credentials, but in many respects you are a Christian life coach to those who are in your small group. A coach doesn’t usually give advice. A coach asks questions to draw out of the person what is needed for them to be the best they can be. Sound familiar?
Would your member’s answers always be the answers that you would recommend? Absolutely not. You members are different than you and so your answers may not be appropriate when applied to them. Your members also need to be able to make mistakes and learn from them. What is important is that they have a proper attitude towards God, seeking to do right in His eyes, and that they take steps to continually grow spiritually.
I’m not perfect. You’re not perfect. Your members aren’t perfect. But you can, using Christian life coaching methods, encourage and draw out the best of each other so that you can all be called good and faithful servants.
Question: What are some Christian Life Coaching materials you have used effectively? You can leave a comment by clicking here.
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